Effective member in clinic sector of the SSUB
Enjoy a connected sexuality with the 3 essential Co of life and well-being.
Sex&Co... : Corps (body) + Coeur (heart) + Conscience (consciousness)
My consultation tends to draw a holistic vision of the person by integrating their psycho-medical-social and sexual situation to ensure personalized care.
I use an integrative and brief therapy type approach which is mainly part of cognitive-behavioral orientation (CBT) and gender-functional and psycho-corporeal (including PTR, mindfulness) . My approach is largely inspired by positive sexology, psychology of emotions, neuropsychology, psychotrauma, systemics, health promotion, gender studies and mindfulness.
Always inspired to invest myself professionally in line with my values, I first trained in general human sciences, which allowed me to exercise my vocation for several years in the fields of health, psychosocial and humanitarian sector where I was able to intervene with a large audience and very varied issues. Rich from this experience, I decided to get involved on a more individual and in-depth level by offering mental, sexual and emotional health therapies as an independent. This choice is for me a real source of fulfillment on a daily basis.
Member of the Society of University Sexologists of Belgium (SSUB) since 2016
Member of the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation (ESTD)
Member of the European and International Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM and ISSM )
University Master's Degree (142ects) in Family and Sexuality Sciences - specialised in sexology - UCLouvain (BE)
Certificate in Clinical Sexology - Functional Sex Therapy Institute, by Dr F.de Carufel & P.de Sutter (BE - CA)
Training in Couple Therapy and Positive Sexology, by Dr I. Psalti, Y. Dallaire & Co (BE - CA - CH)
Training in Animation in Education of Relational, Affective and Sexual Life (EVRAS) - FLCPF (BE)
University Certificate in Clinical Victimology : psychocriminal and legal approaches (6) - ULG, S. Garcet & Co (BE - FR - CH - CA - RDC)
Certificate in Psychotrauma - TIPB & Centre PEPS-E, by R. Gazon (BE)
Training in Somatic Experiencing (Peter Levine) - Trauma Healing Belgium, by R. Sangkasaad, A. Giarretto, S. Lennon, D. Berger (USA-BE) (in training)
Certificate in Strategic Conversational Hypnosis, Reassociative Trauma Psychotherapy (PTR) - IMHEB (BE)
Training specialised in Conversational Hypnosis - Motherhood in all its states - Centre de Santé & Bien-Etre de Blegny, by B. Lhomme (BE)
Certificate in Consciousness Activation Techniques (TAC) - Collège International des Thérapies d'Activation de Conscience, by les Dr J. Becchio, S. Pourchet & B. Suarez (FR)
Certificate in Schema Therapy: basic model + from theory to practice - CIPSY, by P. Cousineau (CA)
Training for Supporting High Potential Adults - HPI Talents / AFM Developpement, by F. Micheau (FR)
Octofun Certificate on Multiple Intelligences - by F. Roemers-Poumay (BE)
Congrès Paroles d'Enfants sur : gender studies / trauma and child / attachment theories (BE)
Listening Training - Listening Training Center - Tele-Accueil (BE)
Training in Non-Violent Communication (NVC) - School for Parent Educators (BE)
Mindfulness Cycle - Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) - by V. Houyoux (BE)
Bachelor's Degree : Social Worker (180) - Mosane Free High School ESAS (BE)
Since 2014: Regular continuing education nourishing my thinking and my practice in specialized medicine, sexology and sexual health, psychology and mental health, neurodiversity and other human and social sciences